Creating the canvas was a little challenging for me
as I have never used the “play” website before. However, creating the canvas is
very self-explanatory after looking around the different widgets on the side
bar. It is a great way to lay out a unit plan, because it identifies each
section well. Students and other colleagues would be able to understand how the
unit is going to be planned out by looking at each widget and noticing what is
going to be taught and how it will be taught.
The unit I chose for this assignment is 8th
grade statistics and probability. The lesson I had used in Interactivity #3
touched base on functions as well as statistics and probability. However, for
this unit I decided to focus on statistics and probability. I find this topic
interesting because students can relate it to their own lives. There are many
examples that we, as math teachers, can bring into the classroom and use as a
resource to explain this unit. Students are not only learning the different
concepts of finding probability but can use it in their own lives outside of
the classroom.