chose this particular lesson plan because I wanted to learn how to incorporate
real life situations into lessons that I will be teaching, which is sometimes
difficult to do in mathematics.
curriculum goals, teaching strategies, and technologies used in this lesson,
for the most part, are in complete alignment. The Activity Packet provided
outlines the curriculum goals perfectly. Each step provides specific directions
that students need to do in order to move on to the next step. The only thing I
would say that is not in alignment is the teaching strategies used. For the
most part, all of them are efficient in explaining the lesson and providing a
demonstration to show an example of part of the experiment. To create the
scatterplot all the students have to do is enter the data and then the excel
program can create a graph. In order for teachers to determine if the students
understand the concept of graphing a scatterplot, it might have been a good idea
to give another set of data (already completed) and have them create a scatterplot
themselves on graph paper.
excel spreadsheet is essential to achieving the curriculum goals, because the
software can create a scatterplot based on the data that the students input. I
would have liked to read that students present their group work via the smart
board or a document camera. Allowing group presentations would incorporate the
use of the smart board and/or document camera which would have given students
the opportunity to express their reasoning behind their thought process during
the experiment.
URL: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Agvr5L6t2qQGdGJGYzUwQk52R2Vad2lxS09JNlptN1E&usp=sharing
Antonietta, I really like how you mentioned that you want to show how math can be incorporated into real life situations because as a student who has always had problems in math classes, I know that although still hard, seeing how it could be used in real life situations not only clarified the lesson for me, but it also grasped my interest and attention more by showing me that this is a useful lesson. Often times, students say that math is useless and that they will never use it, so by showing them that they CAN use math in the real world, it will definitely trigger their interest more!