Saturday, November 2, 2013

Virtual Math Class?

                I am sure you are all aware that some math classes are being taught online now. There are a few 100 level math classes here at Montclair State University that are taught completely online. I have researched some other schools to see if they do the same thing and one professor actually taught a discrete math course designed for secondary math teachers online. She was a little nervous at first, because she had never taught this class before, let alone online. She had to decide on a textbook to use, how to collect/grade homework assignments, organizing class time, and technical preparation. She also learned that online classes are taught in two different ways. Synchronous technology allows the students and teacher to be online at the same time and interact with each other. Asynchronous technology allows the students and teacher to interact at other times. She decided that her class would have two hours a week of synchronous class time and the rest would be asynchronous. What she did for the synchronous class time was send her students a PowerPoint presentation so they could write on the slides during the class time. At the end of her journal she gives advice to teachers who are about to teach an online class for the first time. The most important thing to remember is that an online class is different than a traditional class. Teachers should get some training with the software and hardware and they should get to know their technical support. Finally, she reminds teachers to have fun with it.  

            Personally, I would not like to take a math class online. I need face-to-face interaction with my teacher to fully understand the material. However, I think that online classes might work for lower level/basic math classes, where face-to-face interaction is not necessarily important. Students should have the option of taking their math class online or in a traditional classroom. Every student is different and learns differently, so by having this option it gives them an opportunity to learn the material in a way they feel comfortable with and that will be beneficial to them. What do you think? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am horrified that math classes are moving to online classrooms. Math has never been my strong suit to begin with. I always found myself needing extra help. Typically, the way I received this help was from another human being. If I were to take an online math class, I do not believe I would do so well. I need structure and guidance in order to succeed in math. Yes, someone could write a detailed step by step instruction sheet, but this is not the same type of guidance someone would receive from a teacher. What if the student has a question about a problem or a formula? Who can answer this for them? Do you have to email your professor and wait for them to answer? I find this very disturbing.

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  4. I do not think that math classes should be taught online. Online classes require the students to do most of the reading, note-taking, and assignments completely on their own. I would not want to learn discrete math by simply following a text book on my own. Teachers often skip around in a text book, omit parts that aren't necessary, and tell students which parts to focus on. During an online course, a teacher wouldn't be giving this information. I would not know how to outline the notes by myself.

  5. I agree, math classes should not be taught online. How would someone understand the process of math if it was just shown. I need someone to show and explain the process to me. Its actually scary for me to think that math could move to online classes, where is the interaction? Where is the work that is being shown? how will anyone learn this way?!

  6. If you are not strong math student I do not think online math classes would be beneficial. Math is a subject that needs to be taught through example and practice, not by reading a textbook, which many online classes are like. Math also involves a lot of partial credit and showing your work. With on online class there is no teacher to show the student where they made a mistake.

  7. Antonietta, I agree with you personally I would not like to take a math class online. However, I never have taken a math class online, so I could not say whether it is effective. I do believe that with any class regardless if it is math or not, whether the student learns depends on the teachers. If a student were to take an online class and the teacher provided extraordinary resources, examples, videos, and more, compared to a student who took a regular in class math class where the teacher only taught the students how to solve using one method, did not provide examples, and additional resources it is clear which student would do the best. So to answer your question it depends on the teacher whether or not a student could successful learn from an online math course.

  8. Antonietta, as someone who has always had trouble with math, I would HATE to have an online math class where I was not able to have the real, human interaction with the teacher to help me! I think that although the sychronous idea is a great idea for an online math class, the whole idea of an online class me is definitely not appealing to me! I think that math is a subject that for everyone would just be more beneficial to be taught in person.

  9. I think that for people who are not able to learn math as quickly as others taking an online math class would be potentially harmful. However, I do like the idea of having the option to take an online math class, and I think that making the class synchronous helps to alleviate some worries about needing that instruction that you would otherwise not get with an online class. Online math courses would probably work best for lower level math classes, and for people who are able to grasp on to mathematical concepts fairly quickly. For me, personally, an online math class would not work. I actually tried it once and it was a disaster!

  10. Overall, I am always hesitant to take an online class. I work best in a discussion type setting, which is sometimes difficult to establish over the internet. However, this is me as an English student. In terms of Math, there is probably less discussion based lessons and more of a focus on formulas and equations. Though it may be more difficult online, it certainly can be successful. However, like you, I would avoid taking it, I like to learn face to face and in person because the relationship I develop with my professor is usually very important to me.
